Dragonball Z RPG? Why?

So I kind of answered this already, but I can imagine a lot of people see things like my DBZ hack, and other attempts at DBZ RPGs, and ask themselves “why?”

Well, why not?

No seriously though, I guess you could come up with a number of reasons why I and others would do such a thing.

1) It’s fun. Doing creative things is fun for some people. I like to mess around with RPG rules, I like trying to take existing games and make them do things the original writers didn’t think of or weren’t concerned with, and I like to even make up my own. I imagine it’s the same for a lot of others.

2) There’s a demand for it. Just google “dbz rpg,” people want Dragonball games, people play Dragonball games, people make Dragonball games.

3) I like Dragonball, you like Dragonball, we all like Dragonball. You probably wouldn’t be reading this otherwise. So need I say more about that? And…

4) I’m guessing you like RPGs as much as I do, too. So, why not mash them together and see what happens!

For example, I chose Dogs in the Vineyard for this DBZ hack because I saw potential in the game’s mechanics beyond “moral authorities traveling from location to location solving mysteries and outing sinners.” I saw something in the mechanics that, going by not only what I’ve gathered from the web but have been told directly, no one else seems to believe is there, and I ran with it. (I like to think I was right but that’s just my biased opinion.) And it was fun, and it’s still fun to brainstorm over it every once in a while and (hopefully) make it a better game.

I wanted to do something different from the typical D&D mentality of “roll dice to hit thing until you make it dead” that virtually every other DBZ RPG does, and do something where the WWE-tier over-the-top drama and childish Toriyama comedic high jinks play just as much a role as whether or not your numbers are big enough to make your big energy ball’s numbers bigger than the other guy’s numbers. The “narrative” style DBZ RPG is, I think, a very small and neglected niche.

And I like to think my game can be scaled up and down to Dragonball (as in the original series) and GT levels as well (yes I need to figure out how to work in Super material) so you can do just about everything from exploring the world looking for dragon balls to battling super powered aliens on a planet that’s about to explode.

So don’t be shy and let your inner 13 year old out for a while, and have some fun playing out an anime power fantasy with your friends and their inner 13 year olds!

I don’t know how to end this post. So I’m just going to end it now.

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